Saleem Akhtar Qureshi is a banker-turned-businessman, who started his banking career with (a) Rupali Bank as a Credit officer then moved to (2) Banque Indosuez (a French Bank) In 1983 as a Senior Credit Officer, (3) Faysal Bank as a Group Head – Credit & Marketing, (4) MCB in 1992 and (5) Riyad Bank, Saudi Arabia in 1997 holding a Senior Executive position.

Academically, the undersigned is a Commerce Graduate Qualification in the Business Administration & the Banking.

In order to try luck in the field of Business, the undersigned left the banking career at peak and formed this trading firm in 2000 as a Proprietary Concern. The start was very modest and the initial business was buying of the sugar delivery orders before the sugar – crushing season and to sell them during off-crushing season. The Firm entered in to the Steel Business in 2004 when he setup up Steel Mill acquired on Rent. The loss in the Rental Steel Mill landed him to the SHIP BREAKING BUSINESS in 2009. Now, SQ Corporation does the Ship Breaking, which is a source of procurement of Raw Material for trading of steel scrap and manufacturing of steels bar at a sister namely QUALITY STEEL RE-ROLLING Mill& GOLDEN STEEL RE-ROLLING MILL situated in HUB INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, Hub, Baluchistan.

The Group has diversified business activities as evident from establishment of the associated concerns.